Saturday, April 30, 2011

Kaitlyn B-day

Here are a couple of pictures of Kaitlyn and Madelyn from Kaitlyn's actual birthday.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Laughing Girl

Kaitlyn and daddy were tossing a plush football back and forth. Madelyn obviously loved it!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Random April Pics of Girls

We're introducing Madelyn to finger foods. I gave her some cooked peas to try first.

She decided squishing them was more fun.

Kaitlyn and Gamma Linda planted carrot seeds and Princess Azalea flower seeds while Gamma visited. Kaitlyn has watered them everyday that it hasn't rained since Gamma left. She can't wait for her carrots to grow (I sure hope they grow this time!).

This photo just cracks me up!!! Madelyn just loves her toes in her high chair, at the table, on the floor, in her car seat. They taste good anywhere.

Hippidy Hoppidy - Easter Sunday

Happy Easter to those who celebrate!

Kaitlyn woke up excited that the Easter bunny may have left her a special treat. She got a book, movie and gold fish, which she was particularly excited about as you can see. Yes, the Easter bunny left her candy too.
Madelyn was excited that she got some new bath toys and a book in her Easter basket.

Kaitlyn: "Can we please go find Easter eggs now!"

It turned out to be a beautiful day, so we decided to take the girls on their first picnic to a local park.

Even Madelyn brought something to eat - her favorite, avocado.
Finishing up our yummy picnic lunch.
Madelyn discovered how to open the picnic basket and found Kaitlyn's special treat for after lunch.
Kaitlyn having fun at the park.
Let's play soccer mommy!

Friday, April 22, 2011

PKK: Bird's Nests

This Princess Kaitlyn's kitchen, Princess Kaitlyn made hummingbird nests so that they could come sing sweet lullaby's to her nightly by her castle window. She also loves to watch them float in the air and drink sweet nectar from the castle hummingbird feeder. Now they have a home near her home at the castle.

Fun idea! Thanks Grandma Linda!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A 'Tangled' Birthday Party

Kaitlyn celebrated her fourth birthday this month. Our original plan involved a fun outdoor party at a local park, but unfortunately the weather did not cooperate. So, we moved the party indoors and it turned out great! Kaitlyn and her friends had a lot of fun!!!

After a trip to the party store, Kaitlyn decided she wanted a 'Tangled' theme for her birthday party. This theme inspired her cake and cupcakes as well.

Kaitlyn and her friends getting ready to play a game.
We had each kiddo decorate a hat with stickers.

Kennedy models her hat quite well!

We had a different balloon game planned, but the kids found it highly entertaining to just play keep the balloon off the floor. It entertained them for quite a while. It was great to hear all the laughing and giggling.

Miss Crystal hanging out with Madelyn, who just woke up to a house full of kids I believe.

Kaitlyn blowing her 4th birthday candle out on her cupcake. Hopefully a happy camper with a cupcake and milk!
Cupcakes - yummy in our tummies!!
"Got Icing?"

Present time - it's hilarious to watch the kids glued to the present unwrapping and wanting to play with everything right away. Very cute!

The group of kiddos as we wrap things up for the afternoon.

Grandma Linda and Pa Clinton as we wind things down after the party. Daddy and Kaitlyn resting and watching a new birthday movie.

Pa and Gamma survived it!!

Since we made a fun lunch and cake for the party, we decided to eat out for dinner. Kaitlyn is smiling with her slice of bread and being silly for us.
Everyone is still smiling - yay!! What a great day!!

Thank you to everyone who helped us pull this off since we had to move it inside. I appreciate everyone letting me be the drill sergeant!