Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"I Two"

In addition to being a flower girl, Kaitlyn turned two this past weekend. When we told her it was her birthday, she would say "I eat cake." Having attended two other birthday parties last month, she knew she got to eat cake and boy did she enjoy it!!

Her Pa and G'am got her the Dobash Torte cake. She ate two whole slices during the day - yes, mommy and daddy let her indulge on her birthday.

We had to use two tall matchsticks for candles because mommy forgot to bring them with us. Oops!!

Kaitlyn thinks it's funny to close her eyes and say "CHEESE".

This cake smells good so let's see how it tastes...

Time for presents. Shortly after opening each gift, Kaitlyn quickly identified it as "MINE!"

"I dancing" Kaitlyn told us while riding on daddy's shoulders.

After a full day of cake, presents, playing outside, feeding ducks some bread and just generally goofing off, somebody is a little tired.

Happy Birthday sweet girl!!

1 comment:

Evie said...

I love the dobash birthday cake! How pretty. Kaitlyn was so cute taking little nibbles off the cake! I'm glad you guys had a nice day at the lake for Kaitlyn's birthday :D