Thursday, April 8, 2010

Gamma Laurie's Visit

Kaitlyn's grandma Laurie came to visit for a long Easter weekend. We also celebrated gamma's birthday while she visited. The photos are backwards such that the most recent photos come first. Sorry, but just to many to organize !! At the very bottom is a video, but first you get to see some of the pics:

Kaitlyn's new favorite spot on the couch - on top of the cushions.

Taste test of the cake mommy made WITHOUT me. Hmmmm.....

Daddy and gamma enjoying cake outside on the deck.

A mug Kaitlyn painted for grandma.

Time to blow out candles!

Grandma Laurie's b-day carrot cake! Thanks for the recipe Bridget!

Kaitlyn insisted on making gamma a b-day cake too. This is yellow box cake, which Kaitlyn enjoyed more than the carrot cake. Never promise your child that he/she can make a cake with you and then make it while he/she is sleeping even if it saves time. :-) I learned this the hard way. Kaitlyn broke down crying when I told her I made the cake while she was sleeping. I felt so bad that we whipped up a second cake for gamma made especially by Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn and daddy reading a Dora book left in her Easter basket.

Gamma gave her a 'make it yourself' candy necklace for Easter. She chewed on it all day!

Kaitlyn and gamma putting the candy necklace together.

Kaitlyn and mommy enjoying some peeps (mommy's Easter favorite)!

Kaitlyn actually offered to share her Easter candy from the hunt with daddy. How sweet!

Check out my loot!!


Kaitlyn singing "Happy Birthday" to her Gamma Laurie:

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