Saturday, June 26, 2010

More Madelyn...

Here are some more photos of Madelyn and her first couple weeks at home...

Grandma Linda and Maddie

Daddy and his girls. Kaitlyn likes to hold Madelyn while she's sleeping. Kaitlyn is a very helpful big sister. She also likes to help us give Maddie her baths.

After Grandma Linda left, Grandpa (Pa) Mark came to help out and visit.

Happy Birthday Pa!!

Of course Kaitlyn asked Pa to help blow out his candles.

Kaitlyn and her baby sister during a little tummy time.

Pa Mark with his two granddaughters. It's a little hard to get a good smile from Kaitlyn these days. She'd rather make faces at us.

Cute picture of our girls!

Pa Mark with a very sleeping Madelyn.

Silly Kaitlyn...her orange smile!

Family visiting Maddie... Cousins Cris and Peggy (cousin Dave not pictured). Thanks for coming for a visit and bringing us a yummy dinner!!!

Kaitlyn pretending to lay down like Maddie.

Out like a light (photo from today).

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