Thursday, July 8, 2010

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day!!

As is the story these days, it was hot, hot hot!!! We went outside in the morning and by the time we headed inside before eleven o'clock, Kaitlyn was thirsty!

Kaitlyn played soccer with Uncle Tim. Although she made it much harder for him by making him stand behind the goal.

She's 'fixing' the soccer goal.

"Mr. Bunny, this is G'amma Laurie, mommy, daddy, Madelyn, and Uncle Tim."

Kaitlyn loves her new wagon from Grandma Laurie.

Grandma Laurie and Madelyn in the morning.
Random photos... pulled pork for dinner on the July 3.

Mommy and Maddie.

My little snoozer!

Good morning Miss Madelyn!


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