Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Festivities

Here are Halloween Pictures in reverse order...

Madelyn couldn't make it through trick or treating. She's out like a light!
Kaitlyn after trick or treating. She helped Mrs. Donna hand out candy.

Mrs. Donna with Kaitlyn and our candy cauldron.
Madelyn and Graham with their mommies!!
An awake ladybug.
Kaitlyn kitty cat, Olivia as snow white and Sophia as a witch.

Daddy and Kaitlyn about to leave for trick-or-treating.
Friday, October 29 - Halloween Tennis Party!
Madelyn watching tennis.
Mrs. Sherry, Tyson and Kaitlyn at tennis.
Kaitlyn and Tyson at the tennis center.
Saturday, October 23 - Boo at the Zoo
Daddy and Madelyn walking the 'Boo Trail.'
Kaitlyn getting candy from the candy station. She loved Boo at the Zoo!
Kaitlyn was super shy with Cinderella at the zoo. However, this photo is now on Kaitlyn's nightstand.
Mommy and Kaitlyn on the carousel - it went backwards on Halloween.
An excited kitty cat!

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