Saturday, July 28, 2012

Kaitlyn's Gymnastic Olympics

 The gym where Kaitlyn takes gymnastics sponsored an 'Olympic Day' for the gymnasts.  Kaitlyn really wanted to participate so we signed her up.  It is a great way to kick off the 2012 London Olympics.

Kaitlyn with daddy and mommy pre-Olympics.

Kaitlyn is sitting patiently in the middle waiting for her turn.  

 Kaitlyn on the trampoline.  

 Kaitlyn about to start the floor routine.

Madelyn and daddy watching Kaitlyn.  
 Mrs. Donna with Madelyn.  She and Mr. Wayne came to cheer Kaitlyn on at her Olympics.  
 Madelyn wanted to join the fun and started bouncing all over.  This photo is mid-bounce.  

 Kaitlyn getting ready for the balance beam routine.  

 Kaitlyn getting her medal. 

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