Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Happy Birthday Kaitlyn!

 Happy birthday sweet Kaitlyn!  Kaitlyn celebrated her birthday over the course of a few days.

First, she asked mommy to make chocolate Whoopie pies with vanilla filling to take to school.  Madelyn and she decided to conduct a quality assurance check.

We took the Whoopie pies to school on Kaitlyn's birthday.   She said they tasted delicious!  Mommy didn't taste one as the recipe made just enough for Kaitlyn's class and her teachers.

 After school, Kaitlyn saw the mommy started making the decorations for her birthday cake.  This is mommy's first foray into decorating iced cookies for a cake.

Kaitlyn decided to move on to more exciting things as soon as daddy got home - opening presents!

 Kaitlyn received lots of wonderful gifts from family.  Mommy apologizes if I missed a picture of a gift you sent.  She tried, but miss Madelyn got a hold of the camera for a little bit.  Kaitlyn asked for homemade pizza for her birthday dinner.  After dinner, we took her to Dairy Queen where she enjoyed a tasty ice cream cone with sprinkles.

Over the weekend, we held her birthday party - a garden party.  Below are some shots of the cake that mommy made for her and her friends.

 Once Kaitlyn's friends arrived, we painted flower pots.

 While the flower pots dried, we made butterfly necklaces.

Even Madelyn joined in the fun and made a necklace.  

 Pictures of the girls fantastic artwork.

 After the necklaces, we enjoyed cake and ice cream.  Daddy was in charge of the candles.

Mommy made a rainbow layer cake on the bottom layer.  The flower pot layer had chocolate cake and oreo 'dirt'.  

After everyone finished their cake and ice cream, the girls planted flowers in their decorated flower pots with gardening gloves (party favor).  Then they let loose and had some fun in our back yard.

 Happy birthday Kaitlyn!  We hope you had a great couple of days.  We know we did!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, Kaitlyn’s birthday was super enjoyable. These outdoor arrangements for the bash look perfect to me. It’s great that all the kiddos had so much enjoyment together. Such parties are perfect ways to make the kids feel special. I also will host such a party on my son’s birthday and will book rental New York venues for that.