Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mother's Day Bike Ride

The only request I had for Mother's Day involved taking the girls downtown and biking around the National mall.  Dave liked the idea and ordered a trailer and partner bike for the girls.  We tested the gear and prepped the bikes on Friday evening.

Come Sunday, I awoke to a lovely breakfast in bed - crepes, scrambled eggs, fruit and milk.  Our calm, peaceful morning turned a little crazy after we discovered a flat tire on my bike.  Our sweet friends down the street saved the day and let us borrow one of their bikes.

Here is the picture when we finally made it downtown - only two hours behind schedule, but we made it!!

Kaitlyn is ready to roll.  Where is daddy?

Mommy grabbing the girls for a quick picture pre-bike ride.  

 Madelyn digging her trailer.  She had two books and a blanket to keep her comfortable.  Next time we will take her camera.

 Daddy is ready.  Let's get this show on the road!

A quick group photo outside the Lincoln Memorial.  Several times during our ride, Kaitlyn screamed "This is awesome!" or "This is so fun!"  It made me smile from ear to ear.

We stopped for a picnic lunch at the feet of Jefferson.

 Kaitlyn hydrating before we ride back to the Capitol.

We asked the girls to pose for pictures and this is what we ended up with instead.  These pictures crack me up.

After the girls went to bed, Dave and I enjoyed a bottle of sparkling wine from Domaine Carneros.  It was a great end to a wonderful day!

Now Dave wants to bike Gettysburg for Father's Day.  Hmmmm...there are a lot more hills there. ;-)

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