Thursday, June 5, 2008

Recipe Sharing Precautions

If I want to discuss cooking adventures, it hit me that there may be copyright infringements to consider. As such, I did a little research and found this on the U.S. Copyright Office web site:

"Mere listings of ingredients as in recipes, formulas, compounds or prescriptions are not subject to copyright protection. However, where a recipe or formula is accompanied by substantial literary expression in the form of an explanation or directions, or when there is a combination of recipes, as in a cookbook, there may be a basis for copyright protection.

Protection under the copyright law (title 17 of the United States Code, section 102) extends only to “original works of authorship” that are fixed in a tangible form (a copy). “Original” means merely that the author produced the work by his own intellectual effort, as distinguished from copying an existing work. Copyright protection may extend to a description, explanation, or illustration, assuming that the requirements of the copyright law are met."

This is the link:

If you plan to respond with a recipe, please follow these guidelines and post only the ingredients and then a link to the web site or the recommended cookbook. Thanks!!

If you believe that a recipe violates copyright law, please notify me immediately and I will remove it from the blog. Thanks!

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