Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Daddy's Sous Chef

I guess the fun thing about blogging is that it gives 'the blogger' - me in this case, the opportunity to write about people or activities that I care about. In this case, it's a little bit about showcasing my favorite two people baking together. For me, life doesn't getting any better than watching my honey and my baby having fun together and bonding.

Go Blue dad was gone for a week for work and when he returned home, the first thing he did was bake chocolate chip cookies with Kaitlyn. I now officially have two cookie monsters in my house!

Go Blue dad found a great chocolate chip cookie recipe in a recent issue of Cook's Illustrated. It's not available online, but I can tell you the recipe uses dark brown sugar and melted butter for some very delicious tasting cookies.

Go Blue dad browns the butter and it makes our kitchen smell like rich toffee and imparts a subtle toffee flavor to the cookies. You really can't beat the aroma or the taste!

She loved every minute of baking with daddy and despite the warnings against raw cookie dough, she had to try it. Besides... we all do it anyway!!

Kaitlyn enjoying the fruits of daddy and her labor. Yummy!!

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