Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Happy Holidays Part I

 We started off the holiday season with a cookie decorating and exchange party for Kaitlyn and her friends.  In all, 15 kiddos joined us at the beginning of December for the party.  All the kiddos behaved so well and shared in each activity.  I was so impressed and awed by this sweet group of kids.

Here is the festive table and all of the cookies and icing mommy made (most of the cookies were homemade).


We had lots of choices for cookie decorations. Mommy's favorite were the candy eyes.

Kaitlyn's ready for her party!

Upon arriving, each kiddo decorated a cookie box with markers and stickers.

 The kids eating lunch and decorating cookies.

We had a few munchkins that got their own table and decorating station.

 The aftermath of cookie decorating.  Fifteen kiddos full of sugar and happily playing in the house.

 Kaitlyn and Madelyn enjoyed the party immensely.  It seemed like our guests did too.  We'll be sure to do it again next year!!

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