Friday, December 28, 2012

Holidays VIII - Random Acts of Fun

 Kaitlyn's friend came over and we made Reindeer Munch.  The recipe is posted on a previous holiday post.  This batch of reindeer munch didn't have much popcorn left because of two little ones nibbling on it while making it.

The girls are mixing the chocolate chips and M&M's in for the final step.

Our finished batch of reindeer munch!

 Kaitlyn's kindergarten class had a small holiday activity.  I agreed to make cupcakes.  I happily settled on Snowmen and Reindeer.  I heard the kiddos enjoyed them!

 Our friendly neighbors invited us to tour a park with thousands of holiday lights.  The girls had a lot of fun!

At the end, the kids roasted marshmallows to make smores.

Prior to Uncle Tim's arrival, we went to see the Christmas tree at National Harbor and watch fireworks with friends. Daddy made hot chocolate and our friend made popcorn for the kids.  

 Aren't they all so cute!!

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