Friday, June 27, 2008

Fried Jalapeno Chips

Daddy Dave received a small fryer for father's day and has since been testing it out by making a variety of appetizers. He came up with a winning recipe on this one.

Fried Jalapeno Chips

5 jalapenos sliced horizontally into round pieces (approx. 3/16" thick)
1 egg
1 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
1/2 T. baking powder
Kosher salt
1 egg, lightly beaten
6 oz. Club Soda

Heat fryer to approximately 350 degrees F. Remember, once you add the jalapenos, the temperature will drop and you will get a crispier chip with hotter oil. BE CAREFUL!!

In a bowl, blend 1 c. flour, baking powder, salt, pepper and egg. Add the club soda and create a batter. Add the jalapenos and cover completely.

In a separate bowl, pour 1/2 c of all-purpose flour (can substitute rice flour) and dredge the battered jalapeno in the flour and place in the fry basket. Once you have four or five covered in flour, submerge the fry basket and fry until the float. Repeat processed until finished.

For an added touch, sprinkle shredded sharp cheddar cheese over chips and place in oven at 350 degrees F until cheese melts. Plate and serve with a spicy ranch or blue cheese sauce.


Anonymous said...

Hey Dave,
Clinton is looking forward to using your recipe tonight with friends who are coming over for a paella dinner. These were so yummy.
Mom Linda

Anonymous said...

Wow,those look delicious! We've got to try this one. Don't tell me Texas didn't rub off you just a little :-) Lynn