Friday, October 8, 2010

Fall Michigan

It was time for a fall trip to Michigan to visit family and friends. The girls were troopers given the long drive and all the visits we made. Granted, they had a lot of fun along the way. We went to an apple orchard, made applesauce, Chex mix and cookies, enjoyed several playgrounds, rode bikes, built a campfire and made smores with reeses peanut butter cups, visited a children's museum, went bowling for the first time, spent time with family and friends all over the state, and much, much more! And we're exhausted! :-)

Apple picking with Grandma Linda, Pa Clinton, Aunt Niki, Madelyn and mommy. Kaitlyn really enjoyed this adventure.

Kaitlyn picked an apple high up in the tree with mommy's help.
Kaitlyn sampling the apple to make sure it passes the taste test. These apples would be used in Princess Kaitlyn's kitchen later on our visit.
Madelyn relaxing at grandma Linda's.
Madelyn is out like a light in grandma Linda's arms.
Kaitlyn learning to peel and core the apples with Pa Clinton. She concentrated very hard and actually worked up a sweat after finishing 20 apples.
Kaitlyn had fun seeing how the apples turned out after using this fun contraption.
Kaitlyn adding nutmeg to apples. Check out the tongue - cracks mommy up! She gets that from daddy when she concentrates.

Daddy and his girls after getting home from a work week in DC.
Pa Harry visiting with Madelyn.

Kaitlyn playing with her baby sister. Ahhh, how sweet!
Aunt Niki and Pa Clinton making 'Chex' mix with Kaitlyn.
The Stewart's came for a nice visit. Kaitlyn had fun building and city with Grandma Linda and knocking it down.
Visiting with Grandma Laurie, Madelyn fell right to sleep. She was so comfy!
Shocking, Madelyn's out again. I think we kept her busy.
Grandma Laurie, Uncle Tim, daddy, Madelyn, Kaitlyn and mommy out for dinner.
Kaitlyn went bowling for her first time in Michigan. Great idea Mr. Mike! We met Mr. Mike, Mrs. Tricia and their two girls at the bowling alley. It was lots of fun!!
MacKenzie bowling - too cute!
Now Kaitlyn's turn...
Both girls trying to figure out the bowling contraption for kids. Hint: you set the ball on top and push it down. Rolls much faster than the kids just pushing it themselves.
Mr. Mike and Taylor and daddy and Madelyn. It's hard to believe that we all have kids now. Not long ago, we were carefree and in college. :-)
Kaitlyn and MacKenzie giving a good-bye hug.
Smiley Madelyn.
Madelyn using the exersaucer for the first time after we got back home.

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