Friday, October 29, 2010

PKK: Halloween Treats

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Princess Kaitlyn. She lived in a beautiful castle by an enchanted forest, a magical lake, and a fantastically fun playground. Her mommy had a story that tied the rice crispy balls to Princess Kaitlyn's world, but mommy can't remember it anymore (it's two weeks later when I'm posting this) and the creative juices just aren't flowing.

So, for Princess Kaitlyn's kitchen, we made Halloween rice crispy treats to give to some of her friends.


  • 6 cups rice crispy cereal
  • 1 bag large marshmallows (10 oz)
  • ~3 tablespoons butter
  • 1 can Halloween sprinkles


Place the marshmallows and butter into microwave safe bowl.

Melt the butter and marshmallows together in a large bowl.

Add rice crispy treats and sprinkles and stir until well combine.

Lay flat on a parchment lined baking sheet. Allow to harden for ~20 minutes or more (we had to figure this out on our own) so you can shape into 1" balls.

If you try to make the balls right away, you end up with a sticky, gooey mess as demonstrated below.

After hardening a bit, shape the rice crispy treats into 1" round balls.

Place in goody bag for friends and family!
Princess Kaitlyn will not have a kitchen activity next week as mommy and daddy are taking a little vacation. We will resume in two weeks!

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