Friday, July 26, 2013

Kaitlyn's Mighty Marlin Race

Today was the last day of swim team practice for Kaitlyn.  She participated in the swim team feeder program as a Mighty Marlin this summer and loved it.

Today she chose to swim all four 25 meter races: freestyle, backstroke, kickboard race, and the noodle race.  All eight and under swimmers could race and ribbons were awarded based on team group (8 & under, 6 & under (swim at meets), and Mighty Marlins (don't swim at meets).

Here are videos from Kaitlyn swimming...

She won second place in free style with a 55.59 time.

She won first place in back stroke with a 1.29.59 time.

Oops...the camera operator seems to have experienced technical difficulties. :-)

She won third place in kick board with a 43.50 time.

She won second place in the noodle race with a 54.94 time.

Here are some photos..

The noodle race was the last one.  The girls were shivering while waiting to start.

Kaitlyn's friend swims for the team on the 8 & unders.  They all received paper plate awards after the 'meet' today.  Here they are being silly!

 Here are the two happy girls with their award ribbons!  Both left with smiles on their faces!

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