Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Princess Kaitlyn & Princess Madelyn's Kitchen: Banana Bread

The girls modeled my latest aprons and most fun to this point - Hello Kitty and Tinkerbell.  

We had about five bananas that were close to spoiling, so we opted to make chocolate chip banana bread.  Clearly, the girls like chocolate!  This time we made silly combinations of fruit and bread.  
Would you like lemon skittle bread?  
Would you like blueberry golden graham bread?  

Would you like strawberry cheese bread?  

Would you like apple cinnamon bread?  Now I can get behind that one!

Would you like grapefruit milk bread?

After all of those possible combinations, we decided banana chocolate chip bread made the best choice for summer time.  The girls also wanted to make sure daddy would eat some.  

We made seven mini-loaves.  I'm going to out daddy and tell you that he ate two when he got home.  

They were a success!

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